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June 25, 2019

An important document for all staff, leaders and volunteers at KBC. Our policy and guidelines have been developed to help us live out our Biblical mandate first and foremost, and to ensure that we adhere, respect and hold high our responsibilities under Australian legislation, and to those we minister to at Kyneton Baptist.

March 18, 2018

All staff, leaders and volunteers are required to sign and commit to our KBC Code of Ethics (CoE). We commit ourselves to a standard of responsible and ethical behaviour which is expected in our church family and will bring honour and glory to God. The Code of Ethics values the social, relational and interpersonal safety and wellbeing of people of all ages. This code also values the role of staff, leaders and volunteers by promoting transparent, accountable relationships that promote trust and confidence in our church, its ministries, programs and wider community.

March 18, 2018

In order to respond and report well, please see the following KBC Formal Disclosure Form which outlines process and all information required if a disclosure takes place.

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